Thursday, July 23, 2009

First of all, Phoebe the cat didn't want me to pay any attention to this computer this morning- she climbed up behind me on the chair and headbutted my back and arms several times in a successful campaign to get me to pet her. She knows that always works! But she got tired of the attention once it was given, so she hopped down and just stared at me from the floor as if she was incensed that I should touch her with my hands... so fickle, but so irresistible!

Mark and I worked on putting the trailer back together last night- somehow the holes drilled in the planks that make the sides just didn't line up when we went to put everything back together, so it was very frustrating. At one point, we heard the snorting we had heard about a month ago that turned out to be a deer, so we investigated but we never found a deer - we found a bird. There's so much strange wildlife out on the farm, we always find something to entertain us! Then the mosquitos started to attack when the sun went down and I was done working on the trailer for the night.

I made some really fun pendants last night. I'm so excited about them! They definitely make me smile. : ) I can't wait to get some time to take pictures for Etsy and get them listed. Here's a quick pic of one of them that I was very satisfied with.

I'm working on a new cake topper that I think is going to be super cute when I'm finally finished. I envision these two owls snuggled together on a branch and then that will be attached to a base somehow. It's all perfect in my head, now I'll see if I can execute it like I picture it!
Time to get ready for work. Only tonight and tomorrow morning and then I'm off for the weekend. Yahoo!