Monday, September 28, 2009

darn. knit. {anyway}

Yay! I am so excited to finally write about this... there is a new yarn and fabric store opening in Stillwater -- hopefully the second weekend in October-- so, SOON! I have been working and working every second I've been home at making lots of fun and beautiful things that I'll be selling on consignment at the shop! Woohoo!
When I went to the shop a couple of weeks ago, Aimee was just having the shelving installed, but it looks like the store is going to be AWESOME! : ) I got to see some of the gorgeous alpaca yarns and I'm knitting a couple of sample items for the store to display- both out of alpaca - and they are both gorgeous. So if you go to the shop, look for the camel-colored cabled legwarmers and a beautiful light blue short-sleeved wrap sweater with a tie- I made those! : )
Here is a link to the shop's website: and you see she's started to fill her shelves!
So, the next time you're in Stillwater, stop in to the shop and see all the wonderful things being sold in the front of the shop made only by Minnesota and Wisconsin artists (me, especially!) I wish Aimee tons of success with her shop. I know I'll be shopping there! : )
Oh, and just in case you're wondering what kind of things I'll be selling at the store, I'll offer an abbreviated list- just to wet your whistle: beaded stitch markers, knitting and sewing themed necklaces, wine bottle sleeves, animal hats, and felted purses. Check it out soon!

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