Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! Is it really 2010 already? Christmas and New Year's are over and there's finally a little time to decompress. Mark and I went to see Leap Year tonight- going to a movie in the theater (on opening night, no less) is something we rarely do, but we thought it would be fun. If you like predictable romantic comedies, you'll love it. That's all I'll say about it. (That and I have the best husband in the universe for sitting through movies I know he doesn't want to see just to make me happy!)

My brother Todd's 40th birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and this reminder of his aging is making me feel old! Looking forward to the party where we'll be able to celebrate together.

I've got a new etsy site with a limited amount of inventory, but gorgeous stuff (if I do say myself!) Check out when you get a chance. Right now, you'll find a fantastic array of hand-knit leg warmers. Soon to be added are beautiful ruffled wristwarmers and wonderful cable-knit headbands, too. I just need to get Mark in the mood to take pictures of me modeling everything. : )

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